Posted: September 29th, 2022

■the authors’ exigence(s) (i.e. the issue, situation, or problem that prompted the authors to conduct this research and write this article)  ■the authors’ purpose for this article including any research questions

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In this analytical summary, you will use the rhetorical elements to describe this weeks discussion leader article. Imagine you are writing to an audience who is not already familiar with the article. 
Your summary should include the following:
■the authors’ name and the year the article was published 
■the authors’ exigence(s) (i.e. the issue, situation, or problem that prompted the authors to conduct this research and write this article) 
■the authors’ purpose for this article including any research questions
■the object of study 
■the methodology used
■the authors’ new offering(s) 
■the relevance of this research to the field 
Upload your summary as a Word document.

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