Posted: April 19th, 2022

· Analyze the major differences between the global human resources function and the domestic human resources function in various world regions, and the impact this has on the global business manager.

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Objective of Managing International Human Resources course:
· Analyze the major differences between the global human resources function and the domestic human resources function in various world regions, and the impact this has on the global business manager.
· Organize Human Resources strategies that must be developed to support international business activity.
· Assess the options available to global HR managers to locate, attract, hire and retain employees for international and domestic operations.
· Propose key drivers to performance management to ensure strategic cohesion and competitiveness in the global context.
· Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational training and development initiatives in the global context.
· Evaluate the compensation and benefits programs used to improve organizational performance in a global organization.
· Examine the issues and impact labor has on the economic and social life of the business in a global business setting.
· Illustrate the similarities and differences in international management based on the diverse systems of values, beliefs, and attitudes between countries.
Based on the objectives above-listed, please answer the following three questions. APA Format. No word limit.
1. How will you apply the above objectives in the Accounting field?
2. How would this be considered significant to you in the Accounting field?
3. Based on your knowledge of the above what can you use directly in the Accounting field?

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