Posted: June 4th, 2022

· explain business model innovation,

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On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:
· describe a business model,
· explain business model innovation,
· identify the reasons a business model is important, and
· define business core competency and describe its importance.
Brief Description
In unit 9 you will begin work on the presentation for your business plan. This is a critical step in securing funds from a bank or an investor. It can also be used to attract key employees.
Submission Instructions
There are two assignments due for this unit.
Assignment #1
· You will prepare the key components of your marketing plan, a vital part of your final business plan. .
· Prepare a document addressing market research, barriers to entry, threats and opportunities, product/service features and benefits, target customer, key competitors, positioning/niche, promotional budget, and pricing.
Assignment #2
You will also submit your response for units 5 through 8 using the submissions for these chapters and the feedback given by the instructor. Prepare one document covering the content of chapter 5 – 8. Review the rubric below.
Evaluation and Feedback
Activity/Competencies Demonstrated % of Final Grade
Prepare a 3 year marketing plan that identifies the market research, threats and
opportunities, features of product/service, target market, and competitors /20
Prepared comprehensive Pro Forma including a balance sheet, statement of
cash flows and income statement for year one. Described the figures in the
financial statement /25
Identified the legal and organizational structure of the business and provided
justification for the structures /20
Prepared a missions and vision statement, identified the target market and
discussed how the business will compete in the market through its core
strategy /25
Demonstrates good organization, including a strong introduction and conclusion. /10
Total /100

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