Posted: September 1st, 2022

1. a grand challenge problem affecting a business

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1. a grand challenge problem affecting a business
2. formulate a problem statement
It’s about identifying a grand challenge problem that impacts a particular business. You have to form a clear problem statement. STRUCTURE Title page: Title, Course Code, Name, S-number, Word Count.
Your writing must be organised (structured) in approx. 5-6 paragraphs*:
Introduce what is the purpose of your assignment and what will be covered, and provide an overview of your selected business and its location. 2. ANALYSIS
Here you are analysing the context for the grand challenge problem that you have identified. You need to apply the context from the perspective of how your chosen business is impacted by this grand challenge/ wicked problem. – Construct a simple SWOT or PESTLE diagram (include all the factors – at least two dot points for each factor) for your selected business and label it Figure 1 (this figure must be original and done by you, you cannot copy from the internet sources). Words in Figure 1 will be counted in the word limit. In-text references in the figure are not required. – From your SWOT or PESTLE analysis done, select two factors only to explain in more detail. These factors need to refer to your grand challenge/ wicked problem. 3. 5Ws AND 1H
Identify the 5Ws and 1H (what, why, where, who, when and how) to create your problem statement.
4. PROBLEM STATEMENT Write your problem statement based on the information presented and your 5Ws and 1H (i.e. your problem statement must contain keywords from your 5Ws and 1H analysis). Note: Your problem statement SHOULD NOT be more than one paragraph in length. CLARITY IS KEY. Your job is to make it easy for the marker to award marks to you based on the marking rubric. That is, you should state clearly the three key components in your problem statement: (1) What is the present state?, and (2) What is the Gap? (The problem facing your selected business that is caused by the Grand Challenge/ Wicked Problem), and (3) What is the Future State? (The future state that your selected business hopes to achieve when the Gap is resolved). 5. CONCLUSION
Conclude by reinforcing the key points from your problem identification. REFERENCE LIST
In APA7 style. (6 of the references is required with at least half of them from academic/ business sources. )
You should use third person and a formal tone in your writing.
Your assignment needs to be supported by references – you must cite the sources you used to support your statements/ analysis.
*Remember that paragraphs should have 3 to 5 full sentences that are coherent with a clear start and end.

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