Posted: September 27th, 2022

1. Analyze the sources of the company’s success to date

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Saama Case Study – Answer 7 questions below and ensure requirements A,B and C are met.
1. Analyze the sources of the company’s success to date
2. Identify business opportunities for the future,
3. Evaluate its three options for growth,
4. Make a recommendation for how the company should expand.
5. What growth pathways would best enable Saama to fulfill its vision of becoming the market leader in the life sciences clinical analytics space?
6. Which growth pathways best fit with Saama’s capabilities?
7. What are the risks and implementation challenges for each growth pathway and how can they be mitigated?
A. Analysis of Saama’s success and opportunities and their potential strategies for growth are detailed, thorough, and supported by concrete examples. Specific and relevant references to the case itself are used to substantiate this analysis. Outside sources are used.
B. Provide thoughtful and comprehensive recommendations for how Saama should grow. The merits of their approach and decisions are compelling and cogently argued, with well-chosen and specific references to the case and/or outside sources.
C. Your arguments must be supported by the case study itself, relevant strategy theory and frameworks, and you should use outside resources to inform your analysis.

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