Posted: July 20th, 2022

1. As a leader, what would you want most fromfollowers?

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1. As a leader, what would you want most from
followers? As a follower, what would you want most from your leader? How do
these differ? Why?
2. Compare the alienated follower with the passive
follower. Can you give an example of each? Have you ever been either one? How
would you respond to each if you were a leader?
3. Why is managing up important in organizations?
Describe the strategy for managing up that you most prefer. Explain
4. Which type of follower courage is easiest for
you to use? Hardest for you to use? Can
you think of ways to expand your power for influencing up?
5. What does it mean for a leader to act as a human
shield? Do you believe this should be part of a leader’s responsibility to

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