Posted: January 10th, 2023

1 = As a member of the healthcare team (healthcare provider, IT professional, et

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1 = As a member of the healthcare team (healthcare provider, IT professional, etc.), why is it important to be mindful of policy in healthcare? Should it be your role or belong to someone else? Why? Would you feel comfortable providing comments to your legislators to help form health policy?
2 = Dr. Faber owns a physician practice. They participate in the “meaningful use” program. As a consultant, assist Dr. Faber to make sure they are complying with all of the requirements of the program. In 2020, what set of requirements must they abide by and how should they approach compliance with the requirements? What should Dr. Faber know about certification of EHR products, particularly if they decide to purchase a different EHR in the future? Search for and cite any outside articles that show best practices in this area.

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