Posted: June 21st, 2022

1. MRP SystemsStudy the implementation of Lean Manufacturing systems in your own organization or an organization of which you have knowledge. (can use case study example). Alternatively, you may choose to write the paper based on your desire to see the system implemented in your own organization.

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1. MRP Systems
Study the implementation of Lean Manufacturing systems in your own organization or an organization of which you have knowledge. (can use case study example). Alternatively, you may choose to write the paper based on your desire to see the system implemented in your own organization. If you choose to discuss a potential implementation plan within your own organization, a detailed and complete implementation plan will be developed.
The research report must address the following topics.
1. Definition of the problem that created the need for the system implementation.
2. Planned vs actual timeline for implantation
3. Unanticipated barriers to program implementation
4. Degree of success in implementing the new system
5. Definition of positive changes resulting for the implementation
6. Advice for a classmate planning a similar project.
The final paper must meet the following requirements:
· 3 double-spaced pages written in Word
· Written in a coherent prose style, NOT a list of disconnected bullet points.
· Use clear academic English, and proofread your work before submitting.

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