Posted: February 9th, 2023

1. Only focus on the Response section 2. 1 page for Sara Owens post and 1 page f

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1. Only focus on the Response section 2. 1 page for Sara Owens post and 1 page for Michaela Harding post 3. Review: 6-2 Discussion: Professional Practice 4. Review: Discussion Rubric 5. For this assignment were on chapter 7 6. Review reading materials 7. Make your responses to your classmates count. They must be substantive – not just, “good post.” Here are some tips to make your responses more powerful:
Include a thought-provoking question
Include a reference to something you found when you were researching the question
Include an example from your own experience
Make sure your response includes some information that will help the person reading it understand the issue better, or will help them see the question from a new perspective.
Disagree with someone (politely, of course). Be sure to explain why your opinion is different from theirs, and always be respectful! 8. Read the rubric. The discussion rubric for this class tells you exactly what you need to do for maximum points.9.You need to properly cite your work using APA format. Read the discussion prompts and be sure you address them.10 Need additional sources use my school library the link:
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