Posted: February 22nd, 2022
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1. The central issues in Juvenile Justice? involve decisions that law enforcement and juvenile court officers must make concerning youthful offenders. Explain your choices in this scenario by addressing the following questions:
What role should police officers play in regulating juvenile behavior that is not clearly criminal, such as bullying? What are the benefits of having law enforcement involved in youthful misbehavior? What are the drawbacks of this course of action?
2. In your own words, describe what the U.S. Supreme Court means when it says that juvenile offenders have “diminished culpability” when compared to adult offenders. Do you agree with how the Supreme Court has used this line of thinking to lessen the harshness of punishments for violent juvenile offenders over the past decade? Why or why not?
3. Do you believe the juveniles should be able to be tried and charged as adults? Why or why not?
4. How can courts incorporate juvenile specific experiences-such as peer pressure, guilt, and so on into the courtroom?
5. Do you agree with the way in which citizens’ information can be utilized under the USA Patriot Act? Why or why not?
6. If the government is monitoring an individual’s personal information, do you believe the individual should be notified? Why or why not?
7 The central issues in Fighting Terrorism by the Rules pinpoint the challenges facing our national security agencies when it comes to preventing and prosecuting acts of terrorism while at the same time protecting the privacy rights of Americans. Explain your choices in this scenario by addressing the following questions:
Playing the role of the senator in this scenario, did you vote to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? If so, how do you counteract the argument that this law unfairly allows federal investigators to spy on American suspects without any probable cause that they committed a crime? If not, how do you counteract the argument that Section 702 is, as then-director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James B. Comey stated, “a tool that is essential to the safety of this country”?
8. Presently, the First Amendment protects online speech expressing hate for the United States and support for violent terrorist actions, as long as that support does not take the form of direct action or a “true threat.” Can you imagine a scenario in which Americans would accept a law that makes any online expression of terrorism a crime? If not, why not? If so, give an example of a scenario in which you think such a law could be applied.
9. The focus in Testifying in Court is on the prosecution’s preparation for court and production of credible testimony. Explain your choices in this scenario by addressing the following questions.
What are the challenges when being cross examined by defense counsel?
10.. As an investigator/police officer, what are your responsibilities as a witness for the prosecution?
These two questions need to be answered in at least 5 sentences or more and cite your sources only for these two questions
expect your to answer the following questions in full, grammatically correct sentences free from spelling mistakes. Also, be sure to cite sources in support of your reasoning.
1. Recalling the section of this chapter on virtue and the good life, what is the end to which criminal justice is directed? To what extent is this end consistent with the highest good as described by Aristotle? Use examples to explain and/or justify your response.
2. As the ethic of care requires us to consider situational factors before making decisions, what types of situational factors might be important in determining whether an arrest needs to be made in the following cases: solicitation of prostitution, possession of small quantities of illicit substances, a simple assault stemming from a drunken verbal confrontation at a bar, public intoxication, loitering.
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