Posted: February 17th, 2023

1.What is a gene? Where do genes reside in the cell? What do genes produce? 2.W

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1.What is a gene? Where do genes reside in the cell? What do genes produce?
2.What is an allele? What is a point mutation? How are point mutations related to alleles?
3.What is the frequency of sickle cell disease (anemia)? In what populations is sickle cell disease common?
4.What are the symptoms of sickle cell disease (anemia)? What is the genotype of sickle cell disease?
5.What is the phenotype of sickle cell trait? What is the genotype of sickle cell trait?
Use the document below that I have attached it has all the instruction and the links to help you answer all five questions. The answer should be written in your own words.
one page or less doubel speace. As long as each question is answered completely.

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