Posted: September 5th, 2022

100-300 word response to the discussion post below Cantrell DISCUSSION BOARD 1

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100-300 word response to the discussion post below
Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It
The key term that I am interested in, is culture as the shared values and beliefs are a strong bond that can either be detrimental to an organization or one of the organizations greatest assets. This term interests me because of the impact an organizations culture can have on its surroundings, individuals, and other organizations in a positive or negative manner depending on the organizations culture and how it enables an organization to interact with each other. According to the article, “Organizational Culture and Business Strategy: Connection and Role for A Company Survival” which goes on to say, “intangible sources start to play a special role in improving the companies’ competitiveness” (Krupskyi & Kuzmytska, 2020 p.2). The article describes organizational culture as an intangible asset that is imperative to an organizations success in dealing with other organizations and adapting to different business environments. This concept is interesting because of how important a businesses culture is and how dramatically it can affect the organizations productivity.
Explanation of the Key Term
Culture in a business setting is described by the article, “CULTURE AND BUSINESS ETHICS – A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE” which goes on to say, “patterns of thinking differ according to national culture, and individuals use these models to interpret the environment and direct their own actions” (Isac & Remes, 2017 p.54). This quote illudes to the set of standards and norms that one group uses to make decisions and act accordingly to what the DISCUSSION BOARD 1 3
culture deems necessary or ok to act upon. These sets of norms and standards that are followed by one organization can be drastically different than another organization and can have large impacts on the viabilities of partnerships and dealings of these organizations as well as the ultimate success of these organizations as a whole. As far as organizational culture goes be able to understand circumstances and adapt to the change in the environment the organization is key to the organization being able to integrate with other cultures that are surely to be different on a global scale.
Major Article Summary
A major article that really stood out in the research of organizational culture was “Communication and culture in international business – moving the field forward” this article went into detail about the importance of communication and understanding of different societal and organizational cultures in international business. The article goes on to say, “Organizations are created, managed, lead, and dissolved through communication, which plays a major role in the exchange of knowledge, the development and maintenance of relationships, the negotiation of deals, and the establishment and preservation of partnerships” (Szkudlarek, Osland, Nardon, & Zander, 2020 pp.1). As the article mentions being able to communicate is the key to understanding another organizations culture and allows for to approach business deals in the appropriate manner that is acceptable for both parties. The article continues by comparing cross-
cultural interactions and inter-cultural interactions and their important effects these have on communication between organizations and their different cultural aspects. The article lays out several examples about these cultural differences and how they can be navigated through to achieve success in international business dealings. It also continues to reinforce the concept of a DISCUSSION BOARD 1 4
how a strong organizational culture is imperative to an organization’s success as a whole and describes the differences between a good and bad culture.
A organizational culture is vital to an organizations success in any endeavor not just in international business, with that being said a strong culture is more than just being positive and ethical as it is also about being open and willing to understand other cultural differences and opinions that are presented. This is repeatedly brought up in the several articles that have been reviewed as adaptability and workplace environment were mentioned several times when it comes to international business understanding and communication were of the utmost importance. As mentioned above culture plays a big factor in individuals and organizations alike in how they interact and make decisions with those around them.
Many of the articles that were researched all came to the same conclusion being that organizational culture in a business setting is vital for the organization’s success. There were only slight differences such as the setting at which organizational culture was mentioned as reason for organizational development and advancement such as communication and adaptability. These differences were noticed but the consensus of these articles was a strong organizational culture provides the organization and intangible asset that allows for the organization to effectively communicate and understand differences in other cultures while also building upon these relationships that are cross-cultural. DISCUSSION BOARD 1 5
Isac, F. L., PhD., & Remes, E. F., PhD. (2017). CULTURE AND BUSINESS ETHICS – A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis” Arad.Seria Stiinte Economice., 27(3), 54-65.
Krupskyi, O. P., & Kuzmytska, Y. (2020). Organizational Culture and Business Strategy: Connection and Role for A Company Survival. Central European Business Review, 9(4), 1-26.
Szkudlarek, B., Osland, J. S., Nardon, L., & Zander, L. (2020). Communication and culture in international business – moving the field forward. Journal of World Business, 55(6), 101126.

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