Posted: October 9th, 2022

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For this discussion, utilize what you now know about AID(C)A and think about how we can translate that model into a rhetoric of problem solving. Suppose we have been presented with a problem in our workplace or school, we will use parking as an example, and we need help to solve this problem (one person isn’t solving a parking issue on campus). How can we use Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction, and Action to engage problems and find solutions and/or people to help us implement a solution? Since AIDA is already a model of persuasion (see this lesson’s video), the move toward a model for problem solving isn’t a huge step, but we need to think about how we can utilize it.
For your post, I want you to present a problem that you care about. It can be anything, though I would prefer it was not divisive (no religion or politics, please) and then breakdown the four(five) parts and what you would do in order to engage an audience in your choice of genre.

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