Posted: October 15th, 2022

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please develop a positioning strategy for your service (3 to 4 pages, double-spaced). However, you do not need to provide an internal corporate analysis. As long as the design of your service is reasonable, the instructor will assume that the firm’s resources and the goals of its managers will allow you to perform the service as designed. You only need to conduct a market and competitive analyses that will serve as the basis for your positioning strategy.
provide a basic sketch of each of those analyses. The requirements are as follows:
Does age matter? If so, what is the most likely age range of your typical customers (e.g., late teens to mid-twenties, mid-twenties to mid-thirties or mid-forties, etc.)?
Does gender matter? Is your service more likely to attract female or male customers, or is it likely to be equally appealing to both genders?
Does income matter? If so, what is the most likely income of your typical customers (e.g., lower income, lower-middle income, middle income, upper-middle income, upper income, or a combination of two or more of the previous)?
Does household composition matter? If so, is your service more likely to attract couples with children, couples with no children, or single individuals?
What other variables can you use to describe your average customers?

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