Posted: August 29th, 2022

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Question 1
The ABC grocery store fails to clean up grapes that fell from their display onto the display floor in the produce department. A customer steps on some fallen grapes, slips and falls breaking a hip. The customer did see the grapes on the floor prior to stepping through them. a). On what basis might the grocery store be held liable? Fully explain the legal theory. ( 10 points ) b). What defense, if any, might the grocery store be able to raise in its defense? Fully explain the theory and to what extent would the grocery store’s liability be affected. ( 10 points )
Question 2
John, the president of the ABC Corporation, tells Mary, a salesperson for the XYZ Corporation, to discuss any business proposals with Larry, the corporate buyer who is an employee. It is ABC policy that all agreements be approved by John but this is not made known to Mary. If Larry and Mary reach an agreement without Mary obtaining John’s approval, would the agreement be binding on the ABC Company? Fully eplain.

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