Posted: August 29th, 2022

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Compare Apple and Dell at the time that the case studies were written. Identify which of the two companies you think is in a better competitive position and explain why. In your answer, you should refer to the SWOT analysis you have conducted of each of the companies.
1. Read and follow the instructions on the Apple and Dell case study (to be uploaded)
2. Perform a SWOT analysis of Apple and Dell in 2002 separately.
3. In a 750-word report compare the two companies at the time that the case study was written, identify which you think is in a better competitive position and explain why.
Let me just take you through that a little bit and what I’m looking for. The first thing I’d like you to do is do a SWOT analysis of each of the companies based on the case study readings that you’ve got. The case studies have got lots of information about the companies, and you should be able to use that to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Use Porter’s five forces model framework and resource-based view
Key points to remember
1. Porter 5 forces framework is an outside in view of the firm
2. Resource based view is inside out view of the firm.
Ports five forces framework is for thinking about the external environment and the competitive forces impacting an industry and therefore shape the competitive dynamics of the industry you’re in.
Resource-based view = Examine the internal capabilities of an organisation, and in particular, become familiar with the resource-based view of the firm by looking at it from is inside out view of the firm.
Critical Report Requirement;
Don’t just quite facts from the case study. Instead present your argument and clear recommendation about which company is better position and why based on the evidence from the case study. Pretend you are a consultant and presenting this fact to an investor to invest.
1. Your submission should be made as a Word document. There is a 750-word limit for the report.
2. If you want, you can attach a diagram of your SWOT analysis for each company as an appendix. These are not included in the word count and won’t be assessed.
3. Your responses should be written using correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Language should be free of bias (including but not limited to race, gender, sexual orientation or disability).
4. Quantitative information should be clearly described and appropriately communicated (e.g., figures and tables are appropriately labelled).
Case studies to be uploaded in 24hrs.

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