Posted: August 29th, 2022

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“There are distinguishing factors from the movie and book, and I will quickly be able to tell the difference.
If your MLA paper is based on the movie and not the book, you will start the grading process with a 60, and I will deduct grammar points from there.”
Choose one of the below topics, or choose a topic of your own. Essay must be 1000-1500 word, and in MLA format. 2 scholarly sources required in addition to the story. Topics of your choice can include: dominate symbols, themes, character motivation, author biographical information shared with particular text and conflict.
Possible topics:
How and why is the word “free” used in “The Turn of the Screw” to describe Peter Quint and his influence on Miles?
How does the uncle’s absence at Bly impact “The Turn of the Screw’s” characters?
How does the governess’s attitude toward the ghosts affect her character in “The Turn of the Screw”?
How does “The Turn of the Screw” explore the idea of repression through the governess and the children?
How does “The Turn of the Screw” explore the idea of the unconscious mind through the governess?

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