Posted: August 29th, 2022

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Objective: For HR students to become aware of the national and local SHRM organizations, what they offer, and how valuable they are as a resource for HR professionals.
Instructions: Go to the national SHRM website ( Spend some time looking at what the website has to offer. Then write a reflection paper that includes the following:
What is SHRM?
What does the organization offer Human Resource Management professionals? Explain the benefits of joining.
How do professionals and students join the organization?
What are the local SHRM organizations near you (or in Kentucky)? What do they offer? The Bowling Green SHRM Chapter’s website is
Points will be deducted if any of the four points above are missing.
Points will be deducted if there are grammatical and/or spelling errors.
The paper must be written in Times or Cambria 12-point font, double spaced with one-inch margins and submitted as a Word document.
The essay must be a minimum of 1 page in length. This means the body, not including the title and/or heading at the top should be at least one page.
This paper should be written in your own words and will be checked for plagiarism. Anything over a 40% Originality Score will receive a zero and must be resubmitted. If you submit and your score is too high, just rewrite and resubmit before the due date.
This essay counts a big portion of your overall grade in the course.

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