Posted: August 29th, 2022

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Assignment: Answer the following 5 questions. 1. Describe a project scope document and provide an example. Why is it important to clearly define the project scope? 2.What is meant by planning a project? What does this encompass? Who should be involved in planning the work? 3.Why is creating a WBS so crucial to the success of the project? Discuss the different approaches to developing WBSs and how such tasks transfer into a Gantt chart? 4.What are the project management phases (DO NOT just define each stage), and what occurs in each phase (provide examples)? 5.Why does the scheduling function depend on the planning function? Which one must be done first? Why? Required: Answer each question thoroughly using a minimum of one scholarly resource for each question. Submittal page min is 3 full pages all inclusive; all questions combined 3 full pages. Format: APA 7th edition. Use the Word 7th ed. APA template provided below and make sure to review the grading rubric prior to submittal. Rubric: Review the grading rubric, below, prior to submittal.

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