Posted: September 25th, 2022

Think of an action plan in which you were recently involved.

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In order to ensure that you are truly grasping the assigned readings, each week students are required to submit (approximately) a 150 word essay on: Each of two chapter Case Study Essay questions.
Each of two chapter Review Essay questions.
Since this is an introductory course in business & management, I do not expect students to submit elaborate essay responses. However, I do expect you to follow all of the (critical thinking and writing rubric) guidelines provided and to make an honest attempt at responding to a question to the best of your ability. In general, responses are expected to be (approximately) 10 to 12 sentences in length. Please realize that I can clearly tell when students just throw an answer together at the last minute so please take proper care in preparing your answer.
Case Study assignments and Essay Question assignments will be graded manually using the attached rubrics, within 7 days of due date. Writing skills will be evaluated using the attached Writing rubric, and Critical Thinking skills will be evaluated using the attached Critical Thinking rubric. The professor may choose to send back the assignments with notations and comments using the assignment submission box. Thus, it is students’ responsibility to download the assignment submission after they have been graded in order to review any comments and recommendations the professor may have given.
1. In your university, professors likely have objectives regarding teaching, research, and service to the university. From your perspective, what are the relative priorities of these three objectives? If you could, how would you change these priorities and why?
2. Think of an action plan in which you were recently involved. Which elements of the planning process were done well? Which ones were done poorly? What was the impact of these strengths and weaknesses on the outcome?

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