Posted: September 26th, 2022

Include in your evaluation:

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Based upon the readings and the cases that have been analyzed in this Module, evaluate an organization’s performance management and total rewards systems against the ideal system described in the readings (include the ideal characteristics which Aguinis describes).
You may use the organization that you described in M1D2.
Include in your evaluation:
Integration with other human resources and development activities of the organization’s performance management and total rewards systems.
Describe the alignment (or misalignment) of the performance management and total rewards systems with the organization’s mission, core values and vision.
Is the PM system circular and inclusive of prerequisites; performance planning; performance execution; performance assessment; and performance review?
Make a recommendation to your senior leadership team that would enhance the performance management and total rewards systems.
Explain your rationale, integrate the course material in your post; reference and cite appropriately (see Basics – Citing Your Sources – LibGuides at Empire State College (
Submit your assignment on or before the due date in a WORD or RTF format, which is double spaced and 12 point font, includes a title page with your name, contact details (email and phone number), name of the assignment and save in a file entitled with your last name and the assignment number (i.e. SPECTORM4A1). A 3-5 page paper is sufficient (excluding title page & bibliography)

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