Posted: September 26th, 2022

Analyze the validity and reliability (determine if it is high or low).

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Objective: Analyze validity and reliability.
For each scenario below use complete sentences to:
Analyze the validity and reliability (determine if it is high or low).
Explain your rationale for each response.
A researcher asks a participant to take an existing alcoholic survey twice. The first time, the participant receives a result of “Alcoholic”; the second time, the participant receives a result of “Non-alcoholic.”
A thermometer always gives a temperature value that is 0.5 degrees higher than it is supposed to be.
An X-ray machine gives a picture that a radiologist is always able to analyze effectively.
A placebo medication given to randomly assigned participants sometimes gives participants a stomach virus.
A patient’s treatment plan is missing from the electronic medical record.
A medical assistant asks patients about diet and exercise regimens, both of which help the physician make informed treatment plans.
Two root-cause analyses of a hospital readmission problem are performed. One analysis determines that patients’ access to care is the issue; the other analysis determines that discharge instructions need to be clearer.
A statistical analysis of patient wait time indicates an incorrect mean the majority of the time.
Your total responses should be one to two pages long. Include a title page and a reference list. You may cite your textbook as a source. Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style.

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