Posted: September 27th, 2022

The Walt Disney Company offers a MagicBand to all customers vising their parks. The MagicBand is a wristband with an RFID chip that transmits over 40 feet to track real-time information on customer locations throughout its park

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Case study
The Walt Disney Company offers a MagicBand to all customers vising their parks. The MagicBand is
a wristband with an RFID chip that transmits over 40 feet to track real-time information on customer
locations throughout its park. The magic of this data is how Disney analyzes the data to help provide
its customers with the ultimate service and convenience while in the park. Armed with customer and
location data, park employees can personally greet customers at restaurants and rides, offer products
and shows customers will favor, inform customers of wait times for rides, and even connect to their
credit cards so there is no need to carry cash.
1. What security concerns would you have when using the MagicBand?
2. What ethical concerns would you have knowing your personal and location data is being tracked
and monitored in real time?
3. What other businesses could benefit from using a device similar to Disney’s MagicBand?
*****present examples to prove your arguments*******

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