Posted: September 29th, 2022

Resources vs Capabilities

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Part 2 In-Class or Take-Home Assignment – Use the Coe’s Mexico Case Study to answer.
Select 1 of the first FOUR of the following questions/areas of enquiry and prepare a commentary using and EMAIL format. And, answer #5. Assume that your boss has asked you the following questions and has asked you to respond? (300 words per question max.)
Resources vs Capabilities
What are the resources Coe’s may use? • What are their capabilities? • How can they best exploit both? Value Chain
Sketch out the international value chain for Coe’s. Summarize where the “cash” resides. What can we learn?
Do a VRIO table and summary note for Coe’s. What can we learn from there VRIO positioning?
Porter’s Competitive Analysis • Look at Coe’s through a Porter Competitive Strategy lens? Explain.
Corporate/Organisation Structure
Which organisation structure do you think works best for Coe’s as they expand? Why ?

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