Posted: September 29th, 2022

How would you respond to the situation?

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Discussion Thread: Harassment in the Hospital the name of the books are in the syllabus, which will be in the file be attentive to both instruction papers especially the advance grade level all throughout the rubric
This is a graded discussion: 80 points are possible
due Sep 29
77 unread replies.77 replies.
Thread Prompt:
For this discussion, you are the administrator of a large hospital. It has come to your attention that one of your surgeons tells lewd jokes and makes suggestive comments to the surgical support staff. You have heard that some of the surgical nurses may quit because the surgeon’s behavior makes them so uncomfortable that they dread coming to work. Although your hospital has a procedure in place to report incidents such as these, no one has used the procedure to make a formal report of this surgeon’s actions to hospital management.
Is the surgeon’s behavior harassment? If so, can your hospital be held legally liable for the surgeon’s actions?
How would you respond to the situation?
Issues to consider include Title VII definitions of harassment; requirements to file with the EEOC; respondeat superior liability for your employees’ actions; does liability change if someone uses the reporting procedures.
Review the Discussion Assignment InstructionsDownload Discussion Assignment Instructions. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.
Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module 6: Week 6.

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