Posted: September 30th, 2022

Fitzpatrick, Frank (2019). Understanding intercultural interaction: An analysis of key concepts [eBook edition] Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Fitzpatrick, Frank (2019). Understanding intercultural interaction: An analysis of key concepts [eBook edition] Emerald Publishing Limited.
Gurchiek, K. (2016, March 22). HR best practices can lead to a better expat experience. SHRM. [Attachment]
Waxin, M-F. & Brewster, C (2020). The recruitment, selection and preparation of expatriates. Global mobility and the management of expatriates, (pp. 44-49). 10.1017/9781108679220. [Attachment]
Gregg Learning. (2019, January 30). Human resource competitive advantage [Video]. YouTube. For the DISCUSSION POST: What are the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting expatriate staff over local staff?
***Note: Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.

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