Posted: October 1st, 2022

describe the Managerial Grid developed by Blake and Mouton and how it could be used by a business to both effectively evaluate and train its managers.

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he purpose of this paper is to stimulate your close examination of planning as described in Modules 10, 11, and 12. Specifically, describe the Managerial Grid developed by Blake and Mouton and how it could be used by a business to both effectively evaluate and train its managers.
Papers will be evaluated for quality in both content and form. The content should be as expressed above. The FORM should conform to the Microsoft Word template provided on Blackboard for use o=in constructing the CA Papers. Length should be about four and no longer than six 8½” by 11” pages with 1” margins on all sides, using 12-point, Times New Roman font. The header should contain your name and the CA Paper number. The footer should contain the page number. The paper must be logical and fluid in organization. Your thoughts must be intelligible, use correct grammar, and contain no spelling errors. Papers will be submitted to the instructor electronically as an e-mail attachment in Blackboard.
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