Posted: October 2nd, 2022

Who was responsible for the collapse of Rana Plaza, and why?

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ONLY USE THE SOURCE PROVIDED !! Case 6. After Rana Plaza (in the Lawrence & Weber textbook). Lawrence & Weber, Chapter 4 & Chapter 17 (in the Lawrence & Weber textbook)[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dchapter03]!/4/2/2[_idContainer747]/2/2/2[page_47]
Who was responsible for the collapse of Rana Plaza, and why? (40 points)
Please address the responsibility, if any, of the building owner, factory owners, Bangladeshi government, US and European governments, workers and advocates, consumers, retailers and brands in the US, Canada and Europe.  Examine how Rana Plaza fits into global supply chains and the social, ethical, and environmental issues that arise in the case. You can draw from the ethics chapters as well but you do not need to do an ethics analysis.  Using concepts in chapter 17, determine whether the business suffered in reputation and whether Supply Chain Auditing would be a good tool for reducing the likelihood of such an event. Justify your answer.

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