Posted: October 2nd, 2022

Does the industry link to your future career goals/vision, link to the industry you are currently working in, or link to the industry that you would like to gain entry?

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The Mid-term requirements are an 8 Page APA 7 formatted research paper written in Times New Roman, 12 font, double-space.
Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Abstract
Page 3: Introduction — Introduce the industry and company that will be the focus of your Industry Analysis. Include the NAICS Classification code. In addition, please include WHY you are choosing the industry. Does the industry link to your future career goals/vision, link to the industry you are currently working in, or link to the industry that you would like to gain entry?
Page 4/5/6: Three (3) full pages discussing in detail the forces that impact/surround the industry AND company selected — the legal, economic, political, sociocultural, technological, forces. Also, include the risks linked to the forces.
Page 7: Conclusion AND My Role as Leader
Page 8: Reference Page (References) — 5 Scholarly References (minimum)

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