Posted: October 2nd, 2022

Address the content of each colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic and of the integration of the relevant resources.

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Post the powerpoint presentation to the Final Project Discussion Post by Sunday Oct 6th.
Post at least TWO responses to the Final Project Discussion Post by Sunday, October 6th.
In your responses, be sure to do the following:
Address the content of each colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic and of the integration of the relevant resources.
Link each colleague’s posting to other colleagues’ postings or to other course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.
Assess the extent to which each colleague’s posting represents higher-order thinking and contributes to the ongoing conversation.
Include proper APA-formatted citations.
Direct quotes are not permitted.
Remember, you are graded on the quality of your writing so pay close attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and proofreading.
Blank initial posts will result in a grade of zero.

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