Posted: October 2nd, 2022

Write a four-page essay first, illuminating your understanding of the concepts of each chapter and the additional pages.

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In our textbook read Chapter 3 (Shift) & Chapter 6 (Understand) plus pgs 138-144 (Using different models and theories) & pgs 144-146 (Dealing with difficult people) Write a four-page essay first, illuminating your understanding of the concepts of each chapter and the additional pages. Next, in your professional/work career have you either led a task-specific project (outside of your usual duties) or served as a team member on a task-specific project? Civic/extracurricular projects are acceptable including volunteer projects, church or secular, chaired a committee, served on a committee or board. Consider that experience. Now, consider the material from the assignment. How did your experience square or not with the concepts? Was your project successful? Speculating, would your newly acquired knowledge have made the project more positive, efficient, clear, professional, etc. Explain.

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