Posted: October 3rd, 2022

• To assess political and legal influences on international business activities • To identify appropriate strategies for operating in various political-legal environments Purpose

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The country that you will be researching is Tobago. I attached all parts of the project in the word document so you have an idea what this is for. YOU ARE ONLY DOING MODULE 5 WHICH I COPIED AND PASTED THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BELOW.
Learning Goals
• To assess political and legal influences on international business activities • To identify appropriate strategies for operating in various political-legal environments Purpose
Political stability is commonly related to the type of government and degree of corruption present in a country. In addition, a company may face various business regulations when conducting international business. In this module, your goal is to identify political and legal factors that could affect global business decisions. Step 1: Research Components
Based on the country you are analyzing for your global business enterprise, research information related to the following:
(A) GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Describe the type of government and recent political developments that could influence the economic and business environment of the country. (For example, various events in recent years in the Middle East have contributed to an uncertainty when doing business with some countries.)
(B) FORMAL TRADE BARRIERS. Identify formal trade barriers (tariffs and other taxes, foreign exchange controls, ownership restrictions) that might require a company to adapt its business strategy. (C) PROMOTING GLOBAL BUSINESS. Analyze host government efforts to attract foreign investment. (Some nations offer tax incentives to attract foreign capital.)
(D) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Discuss the country’s regulations to protect intellectual property, such as brand names, copyrights, patents, software, music, videos. (Some countries do not enforce these laws resulting in the pirating of products and lost profits for companies.) Step 2: Suggested Action Plan (14 points)
Prepare a summary report consisting of the following components:
(A) An overview of government regulations, taxes, and formal trade barriers that affect global business activities. (6 points)
(B) A synopsis of intellectual property rights and regulations. (4 points) (C) Recommend actions that might be necessary for an existing company or a new enterprise with regard to factors in the political and legal environment. Provide evidence to support your proposal. (4 points) Please write two paragraphs for part one. Also write one big paragraph for part 2

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