Posted: October 6th, 2022

Why do you think it is not possible to perfectly predict an outcome when using a plethora of accurate data?

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Watch (or read the transcript of) the following TedTalk: How to use data to make a hit TV show by Sebastion Wernicke. Then, address the questions below:
Why do you think it is not possible to perfectly predict an outcome when using a plethora of accurate data? (Please go beyond the opinions of the presenter and present your own unique ideas).
Why then should we use data (which is typically historical) to make predictions (or bets as the Online TV providers in the video would be doing) about the future?
be a minimum of 300 words in length and are worth 8 points
demonstrate an understanding of key concepts;
include a rationale, evidence, or example that supports your response;
be free of significant mechanical errors. 
include a minimum of 1 scholarly source; referenced at the end of your post and cited within the text of your response according to APA 7th edition guidelines.

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