Posted: October 7th, 2022

What are the relationships between political ideologies and economic systems?

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The grading system for each homework: complete/incomplete or 1/0. Thus, no partial credit can be given for this assignment.
the answers must be at least 1 page single-spaced, one-inch margins, and font 12 Times New Roman. If the assignment does not meet the length requirement, the assignment will be graded as incomplete or 0.
at least 2 references should be included as a separate page (not included in the 1-page requirement). If only 1 reference is included, or no references are included in the submission, the assignment will be graded as incomplete or 0. Students can use any format to cite the work (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago style, etc.)
citations must be included in the body of the document. If citations are not included in the text, the assignment will be graded as incomplete or 0. Students can use any format to cite the work (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago style, etc.)
no direct quotes should be used, use paraphrasing instead
Wikipedia is not accepted as a reference. Assignments that use Wikipedia will be considered as “incomplete”
The plagiarism level measured by an external tool via Blackboard should be less than or equal to 20%. Submissions with a plagiarism level greater than 20% will be counted as “incomplete”
The online groups’ assignments will be excluded from the final grade for the online assignments
Only MS Word files will be accepted
No late assignments will be accepted. Late submissions will be marked as “incomplete”
Assignment 2: Political ideology and economic systems
Please answer the question(s) below and post your answers on Blackboard. This is an individual assignment.
Instructions: Please provide elaborative answers which include your arguments and justifications of the arguments. Please make sure that your arguments are well supported and justified by data, expert opinion, theories, etc.
What are the relationships between political ideologies and economic systems?

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