Posted: October 7th, 2022

Explain why the unionized workforce might continue the “Corpus Christi experiment” at the other Wolfe plants.

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**Initial discussion post due Wednesday night 2 Scolarly resrouces needed with a 250 word minimum. Work order will be updated with 2 peer replies. Each peer reply needs a max of 150 word each and one reply needs a scholarly resource due by Saturday.***
Discussion 6 | Managing and Leading Implementation Teams
**material is attached below and link posted please use**
Review the assigned resources to prepare for this discussion.
RL Wolfe: Implementing Self-Directed Teams (attached below)
Managing and Leading Supply Chain Teams [00:08:35] (
1. Consider the most challenging problems faced in the old and new plants in the assigned case study in terms of work design.
2. Put yourself in the position of the director of production. How would you present the benefits of the self-directed team concept?
3. Explain why the unionized workforce might continue the “Corpus Christi experiment” at the other Wolfe plants.
Initial Posts: 250 words
Peer reviews (will be updated shortly)
Post substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why and then thoughtfully further the conversation.
Response to Peers: minimum 150 word each (one reply needs a scholarly resource)
**Work will be updated shortly with the two peer replies needed

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