Posted: October 7th, 2022

You have been hired for Fogle Consulting to research sales data…

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Task: You have been hired for Fogle Consulting to research sales data. Fogle Consulting is a clothing store that competes with Preda, Loui Vaton, Guesz, and other high end fashion apparel. The company is trying to find ways to understand there sales to help management make better decisions in terms of advertising, supply chain, HR, layoffs, sales discounts. Fogle Consulting wants you to do a sample from their sales and then try to find out the average sales price of the sample and if any variances exist. Fogle Consulting also wants you to show your findings in some form of charts as well along with discussing what the data can tell us to to better in the future. You will produce a 3-4 page essay Microsoft Word report plus Excel (This does not include a 1-Title page and 1-Reference page) on it as though you were handing the report to the person paying for your services. You may use APA or MLA, or any similar reference format. The purpose of the report is to make recommendations based on your findings, so be sure to make the recommendations throughout the paper.
A discussion of how further studies could be done in order to delve deeper into the topic. This assignment is very narrow in scope, so you can generalize on how Fogle Consulting can perhaps gain further insight by analyzing other aspects of the data to help management make better decisions. Grading will be based on completeness, mathematical accuracy, proper use of statistical terminology, and your ability to communicate the results. All charts and statistics must be computer generated in Excel.
NOTE: The report should be typed, double spaced, and have 12 point font. Note that for a scientific paper you should avoid the use of the pronouns “I”, “me”, “we”, and “us”. Refer to yourselves as “the researchers” or “the authors”. This is a paper not a series of answers to questions. The paper should be written in essay form and must provide proper citations of all sources used.

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