Posted: October 9th, 2022

What are the challenges or changes you have found regarding today’s global trade?

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Identify an organization that faced a difficult ethical challenge involving multiple stakeholders. Write about your own organization if possible; otherwise, choose another organization with adequate publicly available information. For the sake of anonymity, you may use a fake name for the real organization and its stakeholders if you wish. Do not choose a ethical challenge discussed in a case featured in this class and do not draw from any published case material. Then, address each of the questions outlined below:
1. What was the nature of the ethical dilemma or challenge faced by the organization? (2 points)
2. Who were the primary stakeholders involved in this issue? What were their interests in this issue and how did these stakeholders vary in power in relation to this issue? (5 points)
3. What action(s) did the organization take to respond to the issue? In what ways were these actions successful or unsuccessful in addressing the issue and stakeholder concerns? (5 points)
4. What would the utilitarian and justice perspectives, plus one other ethical perspective or test of your choice, say is right or wrong about the actions taken by the organization? What would you say is right or wrong about the organization’s actions? (5 points)
5. What is the main lesson for managers that can be taken from this situation? (3 points)
Most good submissions for this assignment are 5-7 double-spaced pages, not including optional title pages, references, or appendices. If you apply outside sources (as you must if writing about a situation you don’t have first-hand experience with), please ensure that your sources are fully cited and that credit for words and ideas is given where it is due.

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