Posted: October 9th, 2022

calculate your taxable income after one year of mortgage interest and property tax deduction

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1. What is your taxable income in 2022?
a. You purchased a primary home on January 1st, 2022
b. Purchase price of a SFR in Irvine: $1,100,000
c. Down payment of 20%
d. Mortgage information 30 Year Fixed Rate @ 6.00%
e. Your household income is $260,000 per year (assuming there are no other deductions for your household, except interest deduction from your primary residence).
f. HOA is $300 per month and monthly property insurance is $150.
g. Please calculate your taxable income after one year of mortgage interest and property tax deduction. (Hint: Property tax rate of 1.25% and The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 set a limit on interest deduction of total mortgage debt at $750k)
h. Mortgage calculator:
Answer (show your work):
2. What is the minimum monthly income to purchase this home?
Please calculate the household income needed to purchase this single-family house:
304 Otero, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Please go to the above link and find all the information that you need to calculate the household income that is needed to purchase this house.
a. Debt-to-Income Ratio (back-end ratio) of 43%
b. You currently have a car payment of $350 per month.
c. You currently have a student loan payment of $500 per month.
d. You have a credit card debt of $10,000 with a minimum payment of $200 per month.
e. You have the 20% down payment, and you are pre-approved for a 30-year mortgage at 6.00% interest rate. (Hint: Property tax rate is 1.25% and property insurance is $1500 per year)
f. Mortgage calculator:
Answer (show your work):

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