Posted: October 10th, 2022
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Homework 2 Instructions0
This assignment has three parts. First, you will read Explorations Chapter 6. Then, you will watch a video of Baboons from San Diego Zoo and take notes. Lastly, you will answer three questions in paragraph format. Task #1: Read Explorations Chapter 6 found in this week’s module under ‘READ’. Pay special attention to the concepts and key terms identified in the reading as you will be responsible for identifying these in
Task #2. Note: Some portions of the chapter have been cut out to focus on the aspects of primate behavior important for this course.
Task #2: Watch the Video and Record your Observations. The next task is to watch a webcam video of primates in the San Diego Zoo. This is a WEBCAM video so there is no sound… so don’t panic (or email us) if you don’t hear anything. THIS IS NOT “THE LIVING PRIMATES” MOVIE WE WATCHED IN CLASS. IT IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT VIDEO SPECIFIC TO THIS ASSIGNMENT! If you base your homework on “The Living Primates” video instead of the “San Diego Zoo Primate Behavior Video” linked below you will NOT receive credit. Watch the video: San Diego Zoon Primate Behavior VideoLinks to an external site..
While watching you will need to make notes about what you see – just like a real primatologist! You can find examples of behavior/concepts to look out for in the reading (see the key terms at the end of the chapter if you are stuck). Please feel free to also include other behaviors or ideas you notice even if they aren’t discussed in the reading. 5 POINTS
IMPORTANT: Your notes must be typed in a Word file. We don’t expect tons and tons of notes, but you should make a concerted effort. Remember, these notes will come in handy when it comes time to answer questions and you will turn these notes in!
*Please use the below format as a template for your notes. You can create your own table like the one below, just cut and paste the column headers into your own word table. You can see an example of how to fill in these notes in the first row of the template. Feel free to add rows as needed. *The below is an example ONLY. Do not turn in the table with these examples. Behavior or Concept
Time/Part of Video
Doing laundry Around 1:36 if this actually occurred. Which it didn’t. Primate appears to be washing lots of laundry. I also need to do laundry. Maybe the primate will help me. Doing laundry must mean the primate cares about clean clothes. I wonder if he uses dryer sheets? Is laundry stripping a cultural practice now? Cooking Halfway through video (12:56). The imaginary video at least… Looks pretty good. It’s not Trader Joes soup dumplings, but I would try it. Getting food is probably an important part of the day. Dancing Clearly nowhere – but this would be funny. I enjoy this dance. Primates should dance more often. I wonder what this dance is for though? Task #3: Respond to Questions
Respond to the three questions below using full sentences and paragraph format. Spelling and grammar will be taken into account when grading as well as overall level of critical engagement. You may draw from outside sources but please be sure to include a link to the sources you use. If you are using text from the reading be sure to PARAPHRASE or place it quotations.
Describe two primate behaviors or concepts from the reading you see demonstrated in the video. Then, explain why you believe that portion of the video to be exemplifying the behavior/concept you identified based on your reading. Be specific in your discussion. (Approximately 6 sentences/120 words) 6 POINTS
What do these behaviors or concepts tell us about this primate group or individuals in the group? You will need to draw on your reading to make educated interpretations about what you saw. (Minimum 4 sentences/80 words) 7 POINTS
A prevalent issue in anthropology, and for humankind, is determining what is or is not human. While this may seem trivial on the surface it can have massive impacts on people and organisms. People who look different or act differently were not always considered ‘human’ by scientists or society and were therefore overlooked or subjected to violence. It is also important to understand the concept of ‘human-ness’ so that we can better piece together and understand our own evolutionary past.
After viewing the video and reading the provided chapter consider the following question: Could primates be considered human in some ways? Be sure to back up your stance with your evidence from the video and the readings. While some opinions are acceptable this should be based on the observations and evidence you gathered in this assignment. Your grade for this question will be based on overall effort, development of your argument(s), and evidence of critical thinking. (Minimum 5 sentences/100 words, Maximum 10 sentences/200 words). 7 POINTS
*The length approximations for each section are guidelines. While being under the minimum length is not acceptable, it is ok to go over the suggested lengths within reason (no more than half a page please). An important exercise in scientific writing is being clear and concise!
What do I turn in?
For this assignment you need to turn in your notes AND your responses to the questions. You may include this in one Word file all together or in two separate Word files. Just be sure that when you are done uploading you can see all the files you intended to upload. PLEASE ONLY UPLOAD AS A WORD DOCUMENT – OTHER FILE TYPES WILL NOT BE GRADED.
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