Posted: October 10th, 2022

Please plan to get started with your leadership journal as early as week 1 of the semester.

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Hello Class,
Welcome to the Leadership Journal component of MGT 366! As explained in the Syllabus, you will be working on your Leadership Journal throughout the semester. The Leadership Journal is a key element of the experiential learning associated to this course. You will have the opportunity to reflect on your experiences module by module, and capture your thoughts, observations and new personal insights about management and leadership.
This section includes relevant information about the assignment and what to expect. Please plan to get started with your Leadership Journal as early as week 1 of the semester. As a general rule, please plan to write somewhere between 1-2 pages for each Learning Module (~ 500-750 words, if you use 12 font size, and 1.5 line spacing). Your objective is not “quantity” but rather “quality” writing, in that you will be writing this journal to yourself and for yourself and your own personal and professional development.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy writing!

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