Posted: October 11th, 2022

What evidence do you plan to use to demonstrate behavioural and organisational change?

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Review the Report on Target’s OLAD shortcomings as a starting point. The assessment 2 template provides for 1000 words (extended brief). A seperate document should be created with enough detail to justify the extended brief through a 10 minute verbal presentation (just create a brief outline). THE FOCUS OF THE OLAD INITIATIVE SHOULD BE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.
Step 4: Define the learner population. This step requires you to apply adult learning theories/frameworks to define your learner population. Guiding questions:
Who are your learners?
What is the demographic profile of your learner population?
Step 5: Design and plan the implementation of the OLAD initiative (see Module 5). Using the Hierarchy of Learning Outcomes (Delahaye & Choy 2018) as outlined in Module 5, this step requires you to explain the structured, semi-structured and/or unstructured learning strategies that make up your OLAD initiative, and justify their use. Guiding questions:
What are the learning outcomes?
How well does the OLAD initiative mirror the HLO framework?
How well does your OLAD initiative reflect best practices in adult learning?
How does the solution map to the stakeholder’s business needs that will likely result in improving business performance?
Step 6: Explain how you plan to evaluate the initiative’s success (see Module 6). This step requires you to discuss how you plan to evaluate the extent to which the learning outcomes of your OLAD initiative (articulated in Step 5) will have been met. Guiding questions:
How do you define success?
How will you know if your OLAD initiative is successful?
How do you plan to measure the achievement of your learning outcomes?
How will you demonstrate whether the organisation’s specific needs have been met, as identified in the investigation and diagnosis stages?
What evidence do you plan to use to demonstrate behavioural and organisational change?
Hierarchy of Learning Outcomes
Being guided by the type of learning to be achieved – instrumental, communicative, or emancipatory – will help with what needs to be included in the learning outcomes. The Hierarchy of Learning Outcomes (HLO) model has been developed to provide a structure for building learning programs and development pathways (Delahaye & Choy 2018).
The HLO displays five categories of learning relevant to the workplace:
Programmed knowledge includes basic facts and skills required to perform tasks and an understanding of technical information and procedural skills that enable more complicated work.
Tasks involve higher-level competencies where the knowledge and skills require analysis, planning, organising, and optimising to achieve work outcomes.
Relationships require the ability to work effectively with others (with an understanding of self and others), be concerned for others, and know how different people interact and work together.
Critical thinking is a cognitive skill that enables the evaluation of self and others by combining intellectual capabilities for problem-solving, dialectic thinking, and creativity.
Meta-abilities encompass all the other competency levels.
Meta-abilities add a more strategic perspective that enables the perception of the larger picture, e.g., the speedy recognition of patterns and trends when analysing new and different situations. Higher levels of knowledge and experience provide insightful awareness of environmental factors and help promote the development of innovative solutions.
Also of value to read at this design stage of your OLAD Initiative is the article below by Tweedie and Webb (2022). When designing learning experiences, the authors argue that a ‘virtual-first approach’ should be followed whenever possible to maximise accessibility in remote and hybrid OLAD environments. While they promote a virtual-first approach, the authors also stress the need to adhere to these foundational tools and principles:
Start with solid analysis (follow the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), which mirrors the HRD framework we have adopted in this subject).
Consider adult learning principles.
Follow a student-centred approach based on empathy.
Maximise social interaction and engagement.
Tweedie, R & Webb, S 2022, Resetting the learning function to a virtual-first approach, 3 March, viewed 1 August 2022,
Additional thoughts:
the 100 word segment in the extended brief is really only enough space to outline the learner profile, which should explicitly extend from the first assignment (e.g., as informed by the HRDNI, an xyz performance gap/opportunity (depending on whether you adopted a reactive or proactive approach) was revealed amongst the operations team, which is comprised of….). It makes sense that the HLO framework (so the design of your OLAD initiative) is presented as a graphic that visually demonstrates how the initiative is to be structured, and another 100 words or so that demonstrates how the initiative will be evaluated. Dot points in your extended brief is fine as long as Nathan/I can gleam enough information from it. If it’s too brief and we don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve, we can’t allocate marks for it – we don’t want to make any assumptions!
Within the podcast, Nathan/I will literally be looking at your extended brief as we listen and so you should be focusing on justifying why decisions have been made (so the extended brief is the what, so to speak, and the podcast speaks more to the justification of why it has been designed in that way). Therefore, we expect to hear learning theory weaved throughout the whole podcast e.g., adopting a transformational learning approach, the bulk of the unstructured learning strategies fit within the meta-abilities category of the HLO as the emphasis is on emancipatory learning and we want the executive leaders to be changing their frames of reference. This sentence is very theory heavy but just wanted to give an example of how I’ve weaved 4 different learning theories in this single sentence and in doing so, it demonstrates that you understand how the HLO works. There’s no need to waste valuable time defining learning concepts – simply use them within your narrative because if you use them appropriately, we immediately know that you understand how to define them. Alternatively, if you’ve included a 4-week online module as part of the initiative, you might speak to that component and explain how you want to focus on instrumental learning for the new recruits as they gain explicit knowledge in…..and so forth. You should also be commenting on how the initiative connects back to your HRDNI and how you’ll know that you’re moving the needle on the performance that matters (i.e., through evaluation).
(added) Oh, the other part is andragogical assumptions. You can, again, sprinkle those assumptions throughout e.g., “…. honouring one of the andragogical assumptions is the component of co-creation between the middle and senior manager….”. One of the assumptions is self-directed, bite-sized learning so if all we see if a one-day face2face training day, you’ve missed the mark on the whole concept of adult learning theory. Some F2F training would be reasonable for industries that require it (e.g., engineering/operations/nursing) but we would expect to see other layers e.g., mentoring/coaching, reflective practice, on-the-job applied learning and so forth.

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