Posted: October 11th, 2022

Why is it important to learn about operations management and what is the chief role of an operations manager?

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Questions 1
PART 1: Research a company of your choice and discuss how their business model makes them a competitor in their space. You must identify the company’s business model and discuss why its specific business model makes them a competitor in its space. BE SPECIFIC!!
PART 2: Covid 19 caused many organizations to pivot how they were doing business. Using the same company from PART 1, discuss how that organization’s business model was affected by Covid 19 and identify an emergent strategy the identified organization had to implement as a result of Covid 19.
Please remember to appropriately cite your sources.
Questions 2
The book we use for this one is:
Operation Management by William J. Stevenson IBSN# 9781260718447
1. After reading chapter 1, in your own words give a detailed definition of operations management (at least a paragraph).
2. Why is it important to learn about operations management and what is the chief role of an operations manager?
3. What could be some of the outcomes or results if an organization fails to manage operations?

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