Posted: October 12th, 2022

How might this placement affect the neighborhood’s role?

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Each team has been assigned to research one of Pittsburgh’s 90 neighborhoods to develop a “backgrounder” for the executive director of The Hear Foundation, Mr. Kamal Nigam. A backgrounder is a briefing, a document that contextualized a subject for an audience that may have some interest but little knowledge of the topic. Format the backgrounder as a memo to Mr. Nigam. The neighborhoods for fall of 2022 are:
* The Strip District
* Lawrenceville
* Squirrel Hill
* Hill Districtl
* South Side
* Oakland
The backgrounder (at about 1.5-to-2 pages of single-spaced 12-point copy) should include:
* A brief history and current state of the neighborhood.
* The geographics of the neighborhood. It is said that “geography is history.” First, where is the neighborhood in relation to other neighborhoods and within the context of the city? How might this placement affect the neighborhood’s role? What are the opportunities of challenges presented by the geography?
* The demographics of the neighborhood: What are the “facts” of the neighborhood? Gender, race, religion, education. Hard data.
* The psychographics of the neighborhood: This is trickier data to gather, more abstract than the other areas of inquiry. What can you intuit about what the overall population of the neighborhood feels or thinks or believes about the concerns of The Hear Foundation?
The backgrounders create foundational material for The Hear Foundation —snapshots of the city. Subsequent BusComm teams in future terms will work on other neighborhoods until eventually the whole city comes into focus. It’s important work. And it starts here with you.

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