Posted: October 12th, 2022

Research the competition via google search, vs conducting a competitive analysis as mentioned in the article

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Using the Blueview Footwear product description ( ) and website (, create with your team a draft of a perceptual map for the category, and a positioning statement for the product.
3. Define your brand competitors: 5 minimum, 10 maximum. Research the competition via Google Search, vs conducting a competitive analysis as mentioned in the article
A competitive analysis will reveal your direct and indirect competitors, as well as your strengths and weaknesses in relation to them.
Consider this when conducting your competitive analysis.
– A description of your target market
– An in-depth knowledge of your target audience
– Details about your product or service
– Differences between your current marketing strategies
– Differences in customer reviews
For the first two points “- A description of your target market
– An in-depth knowledge of your target audience” , I will give you some already written that you need to combine together.

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