Posted: October 15th, 2022

What is the critical problem/opportunity you will focus on?

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I need a response to my classmate below
What is the critical problem/opportunity you will focus on? Why have you identified this particular problem/opportunity?
In a recent article published by the Philadelphia Inquirer titled “Hundreds of Philly police officers work administrative jobs that could be done by civilians, a study found” briefly discusses how nearly 900 positions within the department are currently filled with sworn personnel but could be filled with civilians instead; this will be the critical problem that I will focus on (1). I selected this focus area because, as a Civilian within the department, I know first-hand what the positions that civilians should fill and sworn personnel positions, and I will have access to all necessary information. The most prominent challenge organizations in this sector face is a shortage of sworn personnel (police officers). The most significant opportunities this new change can bring to the organization include 1) a decrease in sworn overtime hours and pay and 2) more sworn personnel in the streets. What sort of data should you gather and analyze to accurately assess the problem or opportunity? Is it sales data, demographic data, product performance data, or another type of data?
The data that I should gather and analyze to accurately assess the problem is:
The City of Philadelphia’s Fiscal 2022 Operating Budget for the Police Department
City of Philadelphia Overtime Spending
6-Year Capital Program for Fiscal Years 2022-2027
Job descriptions and requirements
Employee data
The data that will be used to assess the problem accurately include employee data, analytic data, and financial statements from the organization. Explain why this type of data is needed for this particular problem or opportunity.
“Good metrics are consistent, cheap, and quick to collect. But most importantly, they must capture something your business cares about” (Frick, 2). This type of data is needed for this particular problem because I need to provide the full story to the shareholders, including showing them where we are and where we want to be. How will you obtain the necessary data?
I have started researching some of the data and information I will need for my project, and I have located them on the City of Philadelphia Intranet. I will reach out to the Central Human Resources Department for a list of positions sworn personnel instead of civilians are currently filling. I will also contact the Police Human Resources Department for position information. References:
1. Orso, Anna. (October 4, 2022). Hundreds of Philly police officers work administrative jobs that could be done by civilians, a study found. Philadelphia Inquirer.
2. Frick, Walter. (May 19, 2014). An Introduction to Data-Driven Decisions for managers Who Don’t Like Math. Harvard Business Review.

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