Posted: October 16th, 2022

conduct research and identify an organization or specific product that was either successful or unsuccessful at implementing a new strategy or new product.

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During this course, we have learned about strategy and the concept of effective strategic management. Throughout history, organizations have succeeded and some have failed at implementing new strategies. For this final project, you are to conduct research and identify an organization or specific product that was either successful or unsuccessful at implementing a new strategy or new product. Some examples to help you include:
– Facebook purchasing Instagram
– Southwest Airlines offers a “no frills, low cost” airline option for US travelers
– Kodak staying focused on print photo media
– The appendix of our textbook also offers many examples
For your submission, please follow the below guidelines:
– Assignment uploaded directly to this JetNet link as an MS Word file
– Title page – 2 to 3 pages double spaced of content, not including the title page nor reference page
– A company or product identified and the selected strategy the corporation implemented
– A detailed argument for or against the selected strategy based on your learnings from this course
– Written academically with an introduction, body with arguments, and a final conclusion. An introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay which introduces the main idea and captures the interest of your readers and tells why your topic is important. The body with observations is where the answers to the questions of the case study are answered in your own words. A conclusion paragraph should restate the main premise and provide a summary of key points.
-Ensure the appropriate formatting is used throughout the entire assignment.
– References (you should have at least two… our textbook should be one of them) located on their own page in the appropriate format.

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