Posted: October 16th, 2022

BSG Reflection Paper

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BSG Reflection Paper
BSG Reflection Paper – Due by Friday, Week Four, October 21, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. eastern – 100 Points Maximum
As the professor of this course I always see the transformation that each of you go through. I know that week one is very chaotic for you because there are a lot of unknowns. Week two is not as stressful because you are registered for everything but there is still the fear of working in a team and there are a lot of unknowns that still exists. By week three most everyone is enjoying the simulation and I hear comments like “we are going to come in first next week.” This class in my opinion is very exciting and fun because I get to sit back and watch the fun that you guys have. There have been complaints about this course and I wanted to share them with you to help give you a better understanding about the past four weeks. As the instructor, I am instructed by BSG not to help you. This is a real world simulation that treats you as a real business. In the real world there is no teacher that you can call to help you maximize profits and become a millionaire. If that were the case we would all be millionaires. The fear and the unknowns that you experienced were to be expected. That is exactly the reaction that I wanted from you. However, those of you that took the time to read the material, watch the videos, and research the Internet for answers did well. The nice thing about the BSG is that going broke does not mean that you fail the class. As a matter of fact, doing bad is a great way to learn. The team that came in last probably has a great understanding of why they did bad and would make different decisions if they had to do it over. In your reflection paper you can blame the instructor for your misfortunes. However, most of the problems that you experienced were because of bad choices. To be successful you should have registered on the first day. You should have contacted your team and made communication arraignments. You should have reviewed all the material. I hope that in life you make good quality decisions. Some of you are or will be supporting a family. Most of you will have jobs where people depend on you. No matter the situation I hope this class has given you a little bit of real world simulation.
Please prepare a two page reflection paper that discusses various aspects of this class. You should discuss things that you like, things that you don’t like. Additionally you should provide information about working with your team, your opinion of the BSG and so forth. This paper is a tool to help us design this course making it more effective in future classes. Please don’t forget to complete the course evaluation survey. I have enjoyed working with all of you.
This assignment should be uploaded as a Microsoft WORD file.

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