Posted: October 17th, 2022

Does the restaurant provide free appetizers, such as bread or chips?

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Consider the following questions about your favorite sit-down restaurant. After thinking about the answers to the questions, complete the written part of the assignment.
How long do you typically wait to be seated?
How long do you typically wait to have your order taken once seated?
Does your server usually introduce him/herself?
Does your server usually tell you of daily specials or make recommendations?
How long does it ordinarily take after you have ordered before you get to eat?
Does the restaurant provide free appetizers, such as bread or chips?
Does the restaurant provide free refills on your drink? Do you have to ask for refills?
Does the server make you ask for the check?
Does anyone check on the quality of your meal?
Does this restaurant provide any incentives for frequenting their establishment?
Name the top three reasons you like this restaurant so much? Your answer to this second part of the assignment should be one page in length. Answer the following:
Which areas do you see as potential issues that could decrease customer satisfaction? Do you think any of these have no impact on satisfaction? Why or why not?
If any of these changed dramatically, would this still be your favorite restaurant? Why or why not? Choose one of these areas where you feel changing a process would make a substantial difference in your satisfaction as a customer. How would you change the process? Why?

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