Posted: October 17th, 2022

When an employee is unavailable, an out-of-office email helps direct individuals within or outside of the organization on whom to direct their inquiries.

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In culmination of the Ongoing Employee Relations Project, you will conduct a comparative analysis of the information that you gathered for Parts 1 & 2 and compose the information from your paper and interview into a presentation. The presentation should be a recorded video that shows your slides and voice. It is also recommended that you show your face in the video. This video presentation may be created using any software you choose (e.g., VidGrid available in your Canvas shell or Sceencastomatic). If you choose to use a presentation platform (i.e. PowerPoint) as opposed to video format, it is required that you also include a narrative component (i.e., audio or video) to your submission.
Conduct your presentation with attention to what each company does similarly or differently. What are each individual company’s strengths and weaknesses? Which organization has a better model for strong employee relation management? Identify solutions for improvement and include a discussion of these in your presentation.
Your presentation will be graded on the content included as well as the visual elements. Your presentation should be clear and easy to see and hear. It should be visually dynamic and engaging, flow logically and include pertinent details. It should also be neat, professional, and follow best practices guidelines for slide design
Submit your presentation (or a link to it) to the assignment link. Use the Employee Relations Presentation Rubric (below) to guide your work. This assignment is worth 70 points. Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes long and include a reference page, using APA documentation style. Include your resources with corresponding in-text citations in the slides as required.
Part I Various Communication Styles for Maintaining Employee Relations
The City of Ferndale uses various communication styles via Teams, Outlook calendar, and monthly newsletters. Assertive communication is an important communication style based on the number of employees and roles within the City of Ferndale. Through the software, Teams, and employees from several departments can collab on projects, and host meetings, regardless of if their job is in-person or remote. Outlook Calendar helps keeps employees on task with reminders of when a meeting or organization-wide event is scheduled. It also helps inform employees of when to avoid reaching out to an individual if the calendar shows they’re unavailable. When an employee is unavailable, an out-of-office email helps direct individuals within or outside of the organization on whom to direct their inquiries. Standards of communication are set forth upon being hired to maintain employee relations. Assertively communicating the expectancy of roles through clear and upfront communication without being pushy helps set the tone of the organization. ((The 5 Communication Styles and How to Use Them Effectively | WorkPatterns, n.d.).
The Importance of Diversity
The City of Ferndale uses the 4 I’s to create a diverse workspace. The 4 I’s are inclusive, integrity, inspired, and innovative. The City of Ferndale adopted the resolution –City of Ferndale Resolution Rejecting White Supremacy and Reaffirming Ferndale As A Welcoming City. The adoption of the resolution includes employees and the community. The City formed a Racial Equity Action Team to help diversify the workplace (News: Ferndale City Council Declares Official Commitment to Antiracism, n.d.). The REAT team is a diverse group of individuals that has monthly meetings on how to inculcate diversity, inclusion, and equity within the workplace. Most recently the team combed through the wording of the employee handbook to ensure there are no gender specifics placed on certain areas of employment by use of certain language. For example, the employee handbook stated “guys in the DPW (Department of Public Works) yard are not allowed to. …” However, there are women that also work in the Department of Public Works yard as well. Emphasizing creating a diverse workforce is evident throughout the organization. Furthermore, the City of Ferndale has made considerable efforts to eliminate racism within the workplace.
Performance Appraisal and Conflict Management
Throughout your career with the City of Ferndale, you are on a Tier employment plan. You begin your career based on supporting evidence of what roles work best with experience. Once your plan has been set forth, you are scored on the next level of employment within a year. Upon the year, you are given a new set of goals that would allow the next tier of employment. Conflict management in the workplace begins within each department. You are under the leadership of a Director, Administrative Manager, Supervisor, and Team Leader. You start with your Team Leader to resolve conflict and continue to go up the chain of management if it is not resolved.
The Importance and Impact of Training and Development
To fulfill duties within your assigned department, it is important to have constant training and development. The Department of Public Works works within the community of the City of Ferndale. They work amongst each other as well as members of a very diverse community. Training and development may appear different than most municipalities because the City of Ferndale also includes sensitivity training. Sensitivity training educates all employees on the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors that may offend others from different backgrounds and cultures. Another important training that is a benefit to the City of Ferndale, as well as employees of the Department of Public Works, is OSHA training. Promoting a healthy and safe work environment creates employee retention.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Strategies
Employees are motivated intrinsically through the flexibility of working in-person or remotely. The few employees that are unable to work from home based on their job duties are extrinsically motivated through pay. For example, employees that have worked over their designated 40 hours per week are allotted meal plan payments in increments of $10 for every 3 hours of unscheduled work time within a day. Additional extrinsic motivations are $150 annual bonuses for taking a physical and completing a wellness test. This helps ensure employees are living a healthy lifestyle and keeping up with the physical demands of their bodies. In turn, benefit costs for insurance plans are kept at a minimum.
Performance Measures and their Role in the Performance Management System
Performance measures are taken on a quarterly, annual, and tri-year basis through individual and team metrics. The metrics consist of the amount of task, time used to complete the task, and incomplete task to be completed with a due date. The performance measure helps the organization keep a record of tasks that are the employee’s strengths and where they need room for improvement to keep up with their work plan for advancement. This also allows the organization to assign the correct task to the correct team to ensure goals are met on an individual and organizational side and solidifies the performance management system.
Team Building Concepts
To assist with team building, the City of Ferndale, cross trains employees and diversifies teams. Teams are set up to complete tasks in parks, highways, motor pools, and water services. Teams are then set with a schedule of A, B, C, and D. Each week, you are assigned to Teams A, B, C, or D. Diversifying teams helps create a bond with employees on all levels in all areas and teaches skills that can be utilized to help with individual goals. Teams are also able to join a bowling league after hours. The bowling league allows employees to get to know each other outside of work building a stronger connection that crosses over to the workplace.
The Staffing Process
The City of Ferndale goes through a multifaceted staffing process. After applying for a position, you are then invited to an open house. The open house is among other possible candidates to give an overview of the position you are applying for, the culture of the organization, and the opportunity to have a brief 10-minute conversation with current employees that conducts interview panels. Once the open house has been completed, the panel that conducts interviews has a round table on candidates, if any, who should move to the next round of interviews. There are two rounds of interviews; one panel of interviewers span from different departments but share the same role as the interviewee and the second round of interviewers are part of HR and your direct supervisor for your new role. Once you have been offered a position, you complete a drug and employee background screening and a physical exam (depending on your role). Thereafter, you are given a start date to begin your new role along with a training schedule to follow.
Best Practices of Labor Relations
The City of Ferndale’s best practices for labor relations is regular team meetings, employee recognition programs through a monthly newsletter, and proper communication verbally and electronically. The organization prides itself on making sure employees have a voice. Most recently an organization-wide survey was sent to employees to say how they feel about their department, department heads, and workload. The survey will give a voice to each employee and allow the organization to make the proper changes necessary. The City of Ferndale continues to be a driving force in the field of employment.
Improve Communication Skills. (n.d.). Tuw.Edu. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from
Alton, L. A. (n.d.). 7 Secrets for Better Compromises in the Workplace. Inc.Com. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from
The 5 communication styles and how to use them effectively | WorkPatterns. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2022, from
News: Ferndale City Council Declares Official Commitment to Antiracism. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2022, from Part II
Employee Relations Reflective Interview Essay
The interview focused on the different communication styles employed by the organization to maintain employee relations, the significance of diversity among the employees, conflict management, and performance appraisal. The interview also asked questions such as the process of staffing and the impact of training and development on the employees. I interviewed Steve Johnson, the operations manager of 7-Eleven. The interview was conducted by phone, and I would admit that Johnson was friendly and answered the questions with a lot of detail and honesty. Most of the questions focused on the employees’ performance measures, best labor relations strategies, various communication styles, and team-building techniques.
Some common problems within an organization include communication issues, the conflict between employees, and a lack of trust. It is important for an organization to identify these problems early so that they can be addressed and resolved before they escalate. After interviewing 7-Eleven manager about the strategies they use to maintain employee relations, he stated that his company uses various techniques. The organization mainly focuses on open communication and collaboration to create good relations among the workers. He added that depending on the situation, the company also uses employee empowerment or creates a positive work environment (Elendu, 2018). The most important thing is that these strategies have worked for his company and employees effectively.
On asking the manager about the mechanisms they use to address conflicts among the employees, he said that the organization has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of conflict between employees. He added that the policy of the company encourages employees to speak with their supervisor or manager about any conflicts they are having with other employees. If the issue cannot be resolved between the employees, then the human resources manager will become involved and conduct an investigation. The company also encourages employees to solve their conflicts, but if these efforts prove futile, they can involve the management to take the appropriate action. When it comes to managing performance appraisal and conflict within a company, diversity is key. The manager values and encourages a wide range of perspectives, opinions, and ideas, which is why his company can identify and resolve employee issues before they escalate. Furthermore, the company adopting a diverse workforce helps to create a more positive and productive work environment for all employees (Ayub & Jehn, 2014).
Concerning the impact of training and development in the organization, the manager responded by indicating that training was essential for employees in the company. It can impact their work performance, job satisfaction, and engagement. The company provides effective training and development opportunities, and the management team assures the employees that they are committed to their growth and development. This will subsequently lead to increased productivity and motivation of the employees.
According to the manager’s response, the organization needed to improve in areas such as team building and the process of staffing since these were not adequately addressed. The company needs to improve its staffing process and team building. In order to do this, the company needs to have a clear understanding of the job requirements and the skills needed for each position. The company also needs to ensure that all employees are adequately trained and have the necessary skills to perform their jobs. Lastly, the company needs to build a strong team spirit among employees so that they can work together to achieve common goals.
Ayub, N., & Jehn, K. (2014). When diversity helps performance: Effects of diversity on conflict and performance in workgroups. International Journal of Conflict Management.
Elendu, V. C. (2018). The Effect of Employee Relations on Organizational performance (Doctoral dissertation, GODFREY OKOYE UNIVERSITY, ENUGU).

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