Posted: October 17th, 2022

Write a one-page essay (single-spaced; 12 point font; 1 inch margin) about the similarities and differences between india and the u.s. on both scores and movie examples

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1. Watch movie:
2. Check the website:
3. Learn Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (i.e., individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity)
4. Compare the scores of these four dimensions for both India and the U.S.
5. Write a one-page essay (single-spaced; 12 point font; 1 inch margin) about the similarities and differences between India and the U.S. on both scores and movie examples
6. In other words, not only you need to compare the scores but also provide examples from the movie to support the similarities or differences between India and the U.S.

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